NHLI Bylaws
The following are the Bylaws of the New Hampshire League of Investigators, hereinafter called the NHLI.
A business meeting, known as the Annual Meeting, shall be held once each calendar year on a date and time determined by the Board of Government, hereinafter called the BOG. Written notice of said meeting shall be messaged to all members at least thirty (30) days prior thereto:
1. All meetings of the NHLI will be held in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.
2. The BOG shall meet at least three times per year, but may meet more, and may conduct
business electronically or virtually as determined by the BOG President.
The President or designee shall develop meeting agendas that include reports by BOG officers and include committee business and membership input.
The BOG meeting schedule shall be published electronically and made available to the
The President may call a Special Meeting of the membership or of the BOG if or when s/he deems it necessary.
The Officers and Directors shall be elected as follows:
1. Any voting member in good standing (current in their dues) can run for office.
Those wishing to be nominated to serve on the BOG shall make their intentions known to any current member of the BOG, who will then submit the name as a nomination for ballot inclusion. Only those nominations that have been endorsed by at least two BOG members will be included on the election ballot.
2. An election will be held at the Annual Meeting. Nominations are permitted 30 days before the Annual Meeting and from the floor up to the time of voting. The President shall then present the new Officers and Directors, whose terms shall commence immediately upon conclusion of the Annual Meeting and continue until the following Annual Meeting.
3. Vacancies remaining after the election, or occurring in any office thereafter, shall be filled by the BOG, in its sole discretion, with an appointee presented by the President, to serve until the end of the term pursuant to the Bylaws.
1. The President shall chair and preside at each BOG and Annual Meetings and shall be an ex officio member of all committees. In addition, s/he will fulfill any duties as prescribed in the Bylaws.
2. The Vice President shall preside and chair Meetings when the President is absent. In case of death, prolonged and debilitating illness, or the resignation of the President, the Vice-President automatically becomes President for the unexpired term. In addition, he/she will fulfill any duties as prescribed in the Bylaws.
3. The Secretary shall keep the official record of the BOG and Annual Meetings and shall be the custodian of NHLI records. It is the duty of the Secretary to keep a roll of Members and record the minutes of all meetings.
4. The Treasurer shall receive all fees, dues and payments. He/she shall have charge of all the funds of the NHLI, shall pay all bills approved by the President or the Secretary, and shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures, and shall provide a report in writing at all BOG meetings and the Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for notifying members who have not paid their annual dues. The Treasurer shall ensure compliance with all Federal and State of New Hampshire tax laws. The Treasurer will make all books available to the Audit Committee at least forty (40) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
5. The Board of Government shall have the power to issue an order for all ordinary or current expenditures of funds in the treasury, shall consider all applications for membership, and shall examine all papers submitted with reference to the fitness of a member for presentation to the NHLI.
To perform the business of the NHLI the President shall be authorized to form and dissolve committees, and delegate to them any such powers as s/he deem fitting and proper. The President may bestow committee membership on any BOG member, or any other member of the NHLI. The President may also add/remove members from any committee membership.
One Standing Committee is the Audit Committee, which shall be made up of two or more voting members. The Audit Committee will be charged with reviewing the financial books of the NHLI and presenting a report to the BOG, in writing, prior to the Annual Meeting.
Applications for membership shall be made on a prescribed application form provided by the Secretary and must be accompanied by the prescribed membership dues. A properly completed application, annual dues, copy of current private investigator license and a witnessed Waiver of Liability shall be considered by the BOG at its next meeting or electronically between meetings. Upon approval by the BOG, the applicant shall become a member. The NHLI relies on the information provided during the application process. Any information that is false or misleading is grounds for dismissal. In the event that the applicant is denied a membership, the Treasurer shall immediately refund the membership dues to the applicant.
1. Life Members shall only be elected in accordance with Article II, Section C of the Constitution.
2. Honorary Members are members who have been voted to be such by the Voting Members at the Annual Meeting, have no voting privileges, may not hold an elected office, and do not pay dues.
The annual membership dues shall be determined by the BOG.
Membership Dues are payable prior to January 1 for the following calendar year. Membership will be considered in arrears after January 30. If payment is not received by March 1, membership will be ceased unless directed otherwise by the President. The BOG may, by vote, reinstate any previous/former member of the NHLI who requests such consideration and may affix a past dues amount.
Any member in good standing may withdraw from the NHLI by notifying the BOG.
All members shall govern their actions as prescribed in the Code of Professional Ethics.
Violations of such may be grounds for expulsion from the NHLI by a vote of the BOG.
Only the BOG may propose changes to the Constitution. Said changes may be amended only by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the quorum at the Annual Meeting. Said proposals shall appear separately, but in their entirety, listing the current Article and the proposed change or similar comparison. Any amendments to the Constitution shall take effect immediately unless otherwise indicated.
The BOG recognizes that to continue meaningful membership, stimulate growth, and endorse progressive best practices, the By-Laws need to be in place as a flexible and fluid document that can modify most easily when necessary. To that end:
The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3s) vote at the Annual Meeting Any amendment to these Bylaws shall take effect immediately unless otherwise indicated.
NHLI business is reserved to the membership.
Updated November 18, 2023 Annual Meeting